jeudi 4 juillet 2019

Deux mauvaises nouvelles.

Franchement je ne suis pas motivé pour mettre ce blog à jour à propos des deux mauvaises nouvelles que j'ai à annoncer.

D'abord, l'expo des Ibex Masters, que j'appelais le Count Ibex Masterpiece Project qui devait avoir lieu à New York en septembre est annulée. Pour des raisons indépendantes de notre volonté, elle est repoussée au printemps 2020. Espérons que ce contre-temps sera le dernier. Du coup, l'expo va encore prendre en importance avec l'ajout de nouveaux artistes incroyables. Ça c'est le point positif.

Voici le texte qui figure sur le site de l'expo:

IBEX Exhibition Postponed to Spring 2020
The IBEX Exhibition of super-realist master painters in New York will be postponed to March or April 2020, much to our regret and with sincere apologies to our fans and fellow art lovers!
We only want to give you the best multi-sensory immersive experience at the exhibition that we have in mind. Unfortunately, it is taking a little longer to design the ground-breaking exhibition to our standards. Hence the postponement—with enormous cancellation fees, yes, we live and bleed for art!
Our IBEX Master Painters have recently had preview exhibitions in Hong Kong and Singapore and soon in the U.S., so do check them out online or In Real Life.
Meantime, we’ll keep you posted on IBEX art news in between now and the big bang slated for New York in springtime 2020!
PS: For those who had already bought plane tickets to see our exhibition this fall, we’ll think of a goodie to make up for your disappointment!

L'image instagram qui annonce le report de l'expo

Ensuite, j'ai appris que mon ami et galeriste Frank Bernarducci ferme sa galerie à Chelsea. Frank a été victime d'un AVC en décembre 2018 et a besoin de toute son énergie pour son rétablissement.

Voici le petit texte envoyé par la galerie:

The last day of the Chris Klein exhibition will also be the closing day of Bernarducci Gallery on 25th Street.
As many of you know, Frank suffered a stroke this past  December.  As he works on his recovery it seems wise to relieve the daily work pressure to allow him to concentrate on his rehabilitation.
The gallery doors will be closed, but the artists continue to paint! Please direct any inquiries to or
We wish everyone a happy summer and look forward to reopening sometime in the future.

Frank Bernarducci à son bureau devant le portrait de Cassandra. Photo Sally Davies.

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